Friday, September 28, 2012

Welcome To My Blog!

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Hi all, this blog is finally released.. :)

Some of you might be questioning “Hari gini baru punya blog?”.
Well, it is better to be late than never, kan? – klise :D
There’s always story to share indeed, terutama di tahun 2012 yang bagiku ‘what a year’ banget – yet I have no time to write it down (*time is not the real reason, I think :P). Nah, dengan adanya momen di mana aku finally decided to click the ‘create a blog’ button kemarin, it means I have a commitment to be a blogger *not the professional one sih – yang mempercayakan lembar demi lembar halaman blognya as her personal diary.
I’ll be honest and try my best, then! :)

Di postingan pertamaku ini, I will write shorter than I thought :)

By the way, as the last paragraph, aku mau share juga alasan pemilihan judul blog “I’m Not A Girl ~ Not Yet A Woman” di atas, kira-kira apa ya? *sok penting, padahal gak ada yang nanya juga :D
.. It is one of my favourite line as I put it on my Facebook profile also.. menggambarkan sisi complicated of being 20-something – as I’m not a girl, not yet a woman..

See you at the next post! \(´`)/