Monday, July 1, 2013


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So, after days of waiting*), we finally had a simply sweet reunion. Me and besties. The date is predictable. April 20, which coincided with my birthday. That early morning, I was pampering myself (red: getting an extra sleep after doing the dawn prayer J) when suddenly somebody’s knocking on my bedroom door. While not fully awake, I opened the door and....... TADAAAAA!

Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday, happy birthday..
Happy birthday to you..

A simple congratulation, a very-yummy (high-fat :p) cake, an oversized stainless steel wrist watch, a pair of flat green shoes, tons of wishes and 2-partners-in-crime!. What a gift!. What a day!. Even when I paid no attention to my birthday**), you Guys still remembered it. Lots, lots and lots of thanks to both of you!. May Allah reward your kindness immensely, aamiin YRA JJ

*)       : I’m not counting but yes – it has been a while!. November 2 (Maol’s birthday) was the last time we met each other. Almost no communication afterward. Even Nunu wondered if this the way we tried to escape from our comfy zone? (red: sticking to each other like a glue :p). I have no idea about that!. One thing for sure, being a jobless person makes me not count and just forgets the days. And that is true – I never-ever thought that it’s REALLY been a while!.
**)     : It started on 19 years old birthday when suddenly, I came up with a thought that being in the birthday limelight, in truth, isn’t that cool!. It’ll only give ‘certain’ individual a chance to be surprised at how old you are and fussy about the life stage you should be in or shouldn’t be in yet. To me, it’s more like a disaster though I do – still expect them to send their birthday wishes *LOL*

So, what did we have this time?

Unfocused Confab
Whatever topic we initially have, it always ends with an unfocused talk. It not seldom happens when we just leave the original track and turn to discuss the impromptu subjects. It’s perfect when at the end, we completely forget what matter we actually want to converse :p. So was that day. Being interrupted by Maol’s leave for work at 7.30 a.m., we – me and Nunu, the rest member of the Three Muskeeters – just spent the morning with talking aimlessly.

Hunting for A Digicam
The day wasn’t over yet. I had some money in hands I got from joining Arisan Ibu-Ibu PKK RT-04 (red: monthly housewives social gathering) – that I thought I had to spend soon. Soon here doesn’t mean I insist and without considering to save some. But to expend money in form of ‘durable-tangible’ goods is indeed wiser for person who’s so food addict as me (; (;

Okay then, there’s a list of things I want to buy. Forget the tablet, forget the bike. This time I decided to hunt for a new digital camera. Have I ever told you about me losing this ‘one-of-image-capture-tools’?. Sorry to say but yes, it was lost – once upon a time in Rome (what a bad luck!). Kind of traumatic so I had no intention to look for its substitute actually, but concerning one of my hobbies to travel, I need an evidence – the authentic one, to be inherited to my descendant later hehee ;) ;)

Hunting for a high tech product is never easy as it seems. Moreover, I’m not the one who spends her life mastering this area. Spec may be learned once we catch the store. But the price?. First time experience, I – without comparing and looking for the best price – brought a new digicam home. “You look like a man in hurry”, Ance said. “Indeed, I am”, I replied. A big city as Surabaya always sells anything in cheapest price (at least compared to Malang), thus what else to wait? – I believed. Of course I was totally mistaken. Arggrrrr, something’s wrong with that digicam from the beginning – huhuu I swear I bought it with my own halal-money LL

Spending almost 4 hours checking the model availability from store to store still seemed not enough. With Nunu, I was lucky. She helped me a lot by googling the market price and OH MY – I really want to know how they set the price number!!. Same brand, same type, same spec may have a twofold price?? :O :O :O. No, our insting said it’s untrue. As a final attempt, we went to Hartono Elektronik – wishing for a miracle to come. “We’re having a trip tomorrow and I really need this digicam!”, I depressed. But then guess, after a quite long hunt at Matos, I finally got my own new digicam with the BEST price (red: affordable) – only a few steps away from my house *LOL* :D :D
So, are you ready to pose?.

A Trip to Goa Cina
A day later – on Kartini’s day, 5-of-us (Liong, Ilothupa, Pendot, Nunu and I) had a nice trip to the beach of Goa Cina. A very-old plan yet spontaneous departure. Within 3 hours, we rode our motorcycles towards the southern part of Malang Regency. By the time we got there, I was speechless!. I was running like a crazy, inhaling as much beach air as my lung could gather, collecting as many shots as I could. I knew I was tacky but I didn’t care. I’ve been expecting this moment!.

A Week Later: Late Dinner at Pulosari
Last Saturday afternoon, I sent a short message instead my cell-phone asking for hanging out tonight. Without too much hoping for affirmative response as it was so incidental, but then yeaaaay – I got 2 replies confirming yes. Thus, we spent that night together. Started with hunting for a wedding gift on hustle-bustle of Soekarno-Hatta Street and finished with a late dinner at Pulosari. As usual, random chat dominates the meet. From a light talk complete with its freaky jokes until the heavy one. Yep, the heavy one. The same old problem we don’t even know when will it end *bitingfinger.