Wednesday, January 2, 2013

SNSD: I Got A Boy, Meotjin!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I know I know...
The time I released this post, the time I would get hit by a bunch of questions such as – “Are you a sone?”, “Since when?”, “How come?”, bla-bla-bla....

The answer? Hmm, can be! – 3-single posts so far – which even beat my favorite boyband ever – Westlife (I realize for not having released any post of this Irish boy/man-band to be ‘inherited’ L). Now, I wonder myself for being disloyal to the guys whom I adore all my life. Well, no!. Big NO-NO!. Their existence indeed won’t be lightly replaced by the 9-South-Korean-Goddesses – so called GG, though how really entertaining the girls are. You’re everlastingly irreplaceable, Marky! Y

Well, it’s a new year – means new hope, doesn’t it?. So, I won’t put a lazy-ballad song as the first entry on my playlist at these early days of the year. Though I tend to be a more ‘mindful’ person each time I listen to a mellow song but at least, I need a kinda warming song to boost my mood up. And the moment is just perfect. SME preferred a unique date -01.01.2013- to release the GG’s fourth album.

The girls offer a hip-hop tune¹ this time – and again – colorful hair and costume (now, I extremely get confused with their ‘true’ identity!). Gee, Genie, Oh!, Run Devil Run, The Boys, then I Got A Boy?. Listen to the rhythm – it’s so random, right?. Sounds like 5 genres which then are edited and mixed into one song².. .

Anyway – this time you are (still) safe, Girls!. At least, the part of “I got a boy meotjin! I got a boy chakhan!” catches my ears easily. In addition, another crab-dance (after The Boys) embellishes the overall choreography (you know how much I love seeing people dancing eventhough I don’t dance! JJ).

I conclude “I Got A Boy” to be a catchy song, but “All My Love Is For You” with its pretty drum line still is a must-song of which I will play over and over again for the next couple of weeks JJ

P.S: ¹) I kind of think that an uptempo song really helps to distribute the girls’ voices. We can see the role of these 4 girls – Yoona, Yuri, Soo Young, and Hyo Yeon whom we don’t oft hear the voices – here in this song. Ballads will only give the chance for Tae Yeon (the best singer of GG – to me :P) to pulverize the rest member. Lucky you Guys, to have a good ability in dancing which can stop people from paying too much attention to your vocal weaknesses JJ
²) I’m just expressing my opinion. I’m sorry in advance if I put some words not in their right terms. I’m not an expert in this area. Nicole is.. J
But since she’s been busy finishing her annual review and listing 50 best songs over the last year (2012), you will hardly find her post reviewing GG’s new album this time (ATTENTION: I lose to her! She just posted it!).

Race Against Time: Happy New Year, Everyone!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 *must get used to the last digit of the year!

2013 – awwww, unbelievable!!
That makes my stomach feel burning everytime I think about me turning 27 this year hahahaha :P :P *OMG-OLD-OMG-OLD*
But still, I feel so thankful to Allah – alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillahirabbilalamiin Ya Allah... I need Your Blessing and Guidance, Ya Rabb JJ

Still many dreams to pursue..
Many plans to execute..
Many places to visit..
And –
Many things to learn..
Now the more I think that the quote “Tomorrow Is Better Than Today” kind of quips me *LOL* (shall I compare? :D)

Well, it’s still in a festive moment and I’m not gonna trap you into such a heavy reading – so I’m telling you Guys, this will be the shortest post I have released to date JJ
