Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

St. Ress [Saint Ress Alias Stress]

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Prolog:           Jreeeenggg! [kunci A-Minor/Am]
                     Alkisah hiduplah
                     Ijin ngeposting ga in English ya? [pleaseeee ini bukan kemenyek alias ratu gaya], Why I wrote in English recently itu karena saya pengen improve sajah [walopun skor IBT ga ngimprove-improve!]. Sesuai judul di atas, saya lagi setresss akut. Daripada makin setresss akibat pengen nulis masih kudu buka translate.google.com ‘n thefreedictionary.com, so I only say what I wanna say. Peace, love and gaullllllllllll! *pake bando polkadot warna pink*

Eciiiiyeee-ciyyyeee-uyeeeee-gluckkk-uhukk-srot-srotttttt-hachiiiiing, foto capa tuuuuuuhhhh? Cuit cuittttt...

Iya, sapa tadi yang jawab keset? Arum manis? Rambut? Rambut? Iya yang jawab rambut, Anda berhak maju sampai Stasiun Tokyo – terima $2000 jika melewati START, pajak ditanggung pemenang [andai maen ginian bisa keluar uang beneran, CV kerjaan mana ada yang mau bikin! *sambil kipas-kipas sate bekicot*]

‘n skenario ngayalisasi dilanjutkan ke..
Iki Bapak, gawe hapene kongcone Bapak. Tolong Bapak kirimono pulsa – blaaaaaaaa

Fokus! >_____________________________<

Okeh, itu foto rambut saya! [ciyeeh “SAYA” jare!! Harap maklum apabila di postingan kali ini terjadi labil kata antara Saya, Hamba, Beta, Gue, Daku ataupun Aku – intine lek podo seh rek!].

Yup [halooo, Joep!], itu rambut abis ketiban cat sekaleng plus keplindes triplek kayu impor dari Amazon di Depo Bangunan. Semprotkan sedikit hairspray Barbara yang gambar model di kalengnya ga berubah mulai jaman dajjal [baca: dakjal] masih prosotan ampe naik kursi roda sebagai sentuhan akhir, maka sempurnalah rambut Clear Anda! [spongsor, bok!].

Okay -- better we stop! -_________________________-

Bukannya tanpa sebab-musabab [eww!] saya ngupload itu keset kamar [arti: tempat ngulet-ngulet kaki biar kering ‘n ga kotor, biasanya ditaruh di depan pintu gitu – kalo kasus di rumah saya keset seringnya dipake pus-pus bubuk terus terbang ke dreamland – meonggggg wussss :P].

Semakin dipikir, hidup gue sama ruwetnya sama itu keset. Coba zoom-in 900%, segala warna benang ada di situ. Yah, walopun didominasi merah ma putih [keset juga bisa nasionalis!] tapi mau cari warna laen juga ada kok. Suwer!. Tuh benang juga pada nglindes satu sama laen, awut-awutan kaya’ Om Grandong, ga jelas mana tulisan start ma finishnya [emang gerak jalan Agustusan?], galau luar biasa wes pokoknya tuh benang. Ibarat kuis labirin di majalah Bobo or Mentari Putra Harapan [duh, bahkan majalah bisa punya nama mulia gini sih! *garuk-garuk mata], mau sampe mampus juga ga bakal nemu.

Intinya, di usiaku yang 27 my age ini... [tuwek!], semua kontroversi kehidupan tumplek blek jadi dua – eh, satu.. . Saya ga bisa sebutin satu-per-satu [udah berapa kali gue nyeplos kata SATU ya? *semua berpikir*]. I know, I know – I said I would try to be honest on one of my early posts. Tapi mengingat, memperhatikan, menimbang dan memutuskan, blog ini kan fully accessible kan ya? [yoiyolah! grrrrrrr]. Duh ate ngomong ga iso ngeshare ae jan angele!.. >_<

Masalah kok pake banget gini.
Masalah pribadi [eyaaaa!].
Masalah keluarga [eyaaaaaaaa!!].
Masalah bangsa dan negara [eyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!] -- ala Mr. Tukul!
Tumplek-blek-blak-bluk-blokkkk... .
Quarter life crisis kok ga mari-mari seh??????!!!!.
Apa perlu ada turunan Veronica Decides To Die-nya Pak Coelho?? *nguntal kursi minum Baygon khusus kecoa*


Yang bilang masalah seruwet ini bisa terwakilkan oleh kata GALAU gue timpuk!.
Ayo sini! *sambil lempar batu sembunyi perut*.

Duh, andai saya bisa sepositif simbol plus “+”, then I can be forever young *wkwkwk nggilani ngayale!*. Oh ya, saya memutuskan untuk meng-unlike fanpage Mario Teguh yang udah saya ikuti selama puluhan tahun [bohong!]. Tepatnya puasaan kemaren sih. Baru kan ya? Kurma aja masih ada yang jual kok.. [sumpah di Avia kemaren]. I’m sorry Bapak, the more I think, kata-kata Bapak terlalu indah untuk diyakini oleh seorang yang hina lagi dina lorenza seperti saya ini *sambil petik kecapi ‘n nimpuk gendang terus koploan – loh?*

Ya Allah, tolong Baim Ya Allah!.
Pintu udah ketutup semua. Ga cuman ketutup, mungkin udah kekunci terus kuncinya dibawa Bu Joko *halah!*
Mau panggil tukang kunci juga ga cukup 50-rebu.
Mau dobrak ala-ala film action Hongkong ga pede. Sabuk hitamnya luntur waktu dikucek pake klerak kemaren.
Mau maen tembus kaya’ hantu juga beda material. Sono kayu, sini kulit tulang bercampur gajih – busettttt... *nyengir liat lemak di badan*

The point is ini beneran amsyong.



Stadium VIII [delapan!].

[selip-selipin komen aaah: Berharap ini dasar jurang dah!. Kalo udah remuk di dasar jurang kan paling ga udah mentok alias ga bisa jatuh lagi, ga bisa nyemplung lagi selain bangkit, ambil tali, bunuh diri, talinya putus, tak jadi mampus.. *halah* maksudnya ambil tali buat bikin wall climbing -- maksudnya bangkit getooo Pak!]

Andaikan oh andaikan -- masuk Rumah Sakit Jiwa bisa modal nyengir ala kuda poni doang. Ga perlu surat rujukan, ga perlu nunjukin KTP, SIM, kartu pelajar apalagi surat gadai. ‘n yang penting ga perlu setor deposit untuk biaya charging energi [tidur] ma charging perut [makan]. Oh, andaikaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn... .


Ya Allah, kenapa ini? Kenapa itu? Kenapa hamba? *melow*
Ini hukuman apa ujian Ya Allah??
Beri pertanda, beri petunjuk Ya Allah... .
Ampun Ya Allah, ampuuuunnn... .


[tali mana tali? Eh, tisu mana tisu? Srooooooooottttt]  

P.S:    Ini harusnya postingan surem kok jadi kesannya ga dramatis blas gini sih?. *kucek rambut kusut terus dibilas terus dijemur di panasan terus angkat terus setrika -- cuci+kering+setrika Rp. 4.000,-/kg, antar jemput tambah Rp. 3.000,- untuk dalam kota, sedia pulak badut ultah -- bisa berbagai macam sulap kuno ‘n modern. Hubungi Pak Tarno dibantu yaaaaaakkk prok-prok-prok!*

Monday, September 16, 2013

Good Doctor – 굿닥터

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Have you Guys found about dramacrazy.net being shut down?. In addition, it PERMANENTLY shut down. I believe I’m not the only one feeling dissappointed since here in Indonesia, we have no many working links to watch K-Drama online. But wait, the virus seemed to have globally spread. I found another link as soon as I insisted to finish watching Gu Family Book. And thank God, it works! J

So again, I killed 2 titles in less than a week. Both were worth to watch. Gu Family Book (24 episodes) and Flower Boy Next Door (16 plus 2 extra episodes). I decided to add When A Man Loves to my playlist after getting hooked onto one of its original sound tracks [Introduction To Love by Baek Ah Yeon] but then gave up at 4th episode. The storyline, the way the lead female role acted. Arrrrghhh *despairing*. Song Seung Heon oppa “I know you deserve better!” *grinning*.
[Update: I thought I was the only one yet I found hundred negative credits for SSK’s acting as mine (on YouTube). Even a certain user brought out a new term to describe how monotonous her expression was à MONOPRESSION *LOL*].

I googled, looking for any recommendable drama. The result was so bias. I decided to stay on dramaload.com and gooddrama.net page, tried to pay more attention to “Recent Drama” bar. And there was Good Doctor, provoked me to at least visit and read its short synopsis/summary. I hesitated. All this time, I’m never willing to watch any uncompleted drama. I believe it’d only kill me if the drama itself hasn’t finished airing in South Korea yet. But then, without too much more thinking, I went back to the page and hurriedly clicked the “Watch Good Doctor Episode 1” link JJ

Good Doctor is the FIRST and the ONLY K-Drama – to date – [of] which:
1.      I started to watch without waiting it to be completed.
2.     I eagerly wait for its newest episode to be uploaded on Tuesday and Wednesday morning/noon. I even check and refresh the page every few minutes.
3.     I download its videos in HD quality. So far, I’ve still collected 4 out of 20 episodes due to download size limit.
4.     Gives me no episode to not shed any single tear. Especially in early episodes when Park Si On (lead male role) was having a hard time to be accepted as a new comer/resident.
5.     Made me browse through Savant Syndrome topic just so I could deeply understand Park Si On’s character, problem and circumstance.

I know how people are anticipating new K-Drama “Heirs” this year but even right now, I already dare to pick Good Doctor as drama of the year!. Best story, best script, best character, best actor, best actress, best sound track... . All is just exceptionally the BEST!. Hmm, still 8 episodes to go LL

Park Si On, wait me.. stop the train for me.. . PALLI PALLI... :D :D

P.S:     While killing the time, I’ve just finished another ‘two-thumbs-up’ drama – Sungkyunkwan Scandal (20 episodes)! JJ this is why I could barely move forward recently – fyuhhhhhh... . Rambo, HWAITING! <3 <3

Monday, July 1, 2013


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So, after days of waiting*), we finally had a simply sweet reunion. Me and besties. The date is predictable. April 20, which coincided with my birthday. That early morning, I was pampering myself (red: getting an extra sleep after doing the dawn prayer J) when suddenly somebody’s knocking on my bedroom door. While not fully awake, I opened the door and....... TADAAAAA!

Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday, happy birthday..
Happy birthday to you..

A simple congratulation, a very-yummy (high-fat :p) cake, an oversized stainless steel wrist watch, a pair of flat green shoes, tons of wishes and 2-partners-in-crime!. What a gift!. What a day!. Even when I paid no attention to my birthday**), you Guys still remembered it. Lots, lots and lots of thanks to both of you!. May Allah reward your kindness immensely, aamiin YRA JJ

*)       : I’m not counting but yes – it has been a while!. November 2 (Maol’s birthday) was the last time we met each other. Almost no communication afterward. Even Nunu wondered if this the way we tried to escape from our comfy zone? (red: sticking to each other like a glue :p). I have no idea about that!. One thing for sure, being a jobless person makes me not count and just forgets the days. And that is true – I never-ever thought that it’s REALLY been a while!.
**)     : It started on 19 years old birthday when suddenly, I came up with a thought that being in the birthday limelight, in truth, isn’t that cool!. It’ll only give ‘certain’ individual a chance to be surprised at how old you are and fussy about the life stage you should be in or shouldn’t be in yet. To me, it’s more like a disaster though I do – still expect them to send their birthday wishes *LOL*

So, what did we have this time?

Unfocused Confab
Whatever topic we initially have, it always ends with an unfocused talk. It not seldom happens when we just leave the original track and turn to discuss the impromptu subjects. It’s perfect when at the end, we completely forget what matter we actually want to converse :p. So was that day. Being interrupted by Maol’s leave for work at 7.30 a.m., we – me and Nunu, the rest member of the Three Muskeeters – just spent the morning with talking aimlessly.

Hunting for A Digicam
The day wasn’t over yet. I had some money in hands I got from joining Arisan Ibu-Ibu PKK RT-04 (red: monthly housewives social gathering) – that I thought I had to spend soon. Soon here doesn’t mean I insist and without considering to save some. But to expend money in form of ‘durable-tangible’ goods is indeed wiser for person who’s so food addict as me (; (;

Okay then, there’s a list of things I want to buy. Forget the tablet, forget the bike. This time I decided to hunt for a new digital camera. Have I ever told you about me losing this ‘one-of-image-capture-tools’?. Sorry to say but yes, it was lost – once upon a time in Rome (what a bad luck!). Kind of traumatic so I had no intention to look for its substitute actually, but concerning one of my hobbies to travel, I need an evidence – the authentic one, to be inherited to my descendant later hehee ;) ;)

Hunting for a high tech product is never easy as it seems. Moreover, I’m not the one who spends her life mastering this area. Spec may be learned once we catch the store. But the price?. First time experience, I – without comparing and looking for the best price – brought a new digicam home. “You look like a man in hurry”, Ance said. “Indeed, I am”, I replied. A big city as Surabaya always sells anything in cheapest price (at least compared to Malang), thus what else to wait? – I believed. Of course I was totally mistaken. Arggrrrr, something’s wrong with that digicam from the beginning – huhuu I swear I bought it with my own halal-money LL

Spending almost 4 hours checking the model availability from store to store still seemed not enough. With Nunu, I was lucky. She helped me a lot by googling the market price and OH MY – I really want to know how they set the price number!!. Same brand, same type, same spec may have a twofold price?? :O :O :O. No, our insting said it’s untrue. As a final attempt, we went to Hartono Elektronik – wishing for a miracle to come. “We’re having a trip tomorrow and I really need this digicam!”, I depressed. But then guess, after a quite long hunt at Matos, I finally got my own new digicam with the BEST price (red: affordable) – only a few steps away from my house *LOL* :D :D
So, are you ready to pose?.

A Trip to Goa Cina
A day later – on Kartini’s day, 5-of-us (Liong, Ilothupa, Pendot, Nunu and I) had a nice trip to the beach of Goa Cina. A very-old plan yet spontaneous departure. Within 3 hours, we rode our motorcycles towards the southern part of Malang Regency. By the time we got there, I was speechless!. I was running like a crazy, inhaling as much beach air as my lung could gather, collecting as many shots as I could. I knew I was tacky but I didn’t care. I’ve been expecting this moment!.

A Week Later: Late Dinner at Pulosari
Last Saturday afternoon, I sent a short message instead my cell-phone asking for hanging out tonight. Without too much hoping for affirmative response as it was so incidental, but then yeaaaay – I got 2 replies confirming yes. Thus, we spent that night together. Started with hunting for a wedding gift on hustle-bustle of Soekarno-Hatta Street and finished with a late dinner at Pulosari. As usual, random chat dominates the meet. From a light talk complete with its freaky jokes until the heavy one. Yep, the heavy one. The same old problem we don’t even know when will it end *bitingfinger.

Friday, May 3, 2013

It’s Such A Warm-Lovely Morning!

Friday, May 3, 2013

I woke up this morning couple of minutes earlier than usual. I think I’ve had enough sleep last night JJ. Internet connection problem we had for already 2-days made me take off to the dreamland soon – and that’s good actually, isn’t it?. After morning praying, I didn’t get back to sleep like I used to do. A task was waiting. I had to dry the clothes I washed yesterday afternoon. So, there I was – enjoying the morning ambience – the fresh-uncontaminated air, the sound of birds singing, the scattered cumulus clouds, the skylight – which was gradually changing from dark to reddish-blue as the sun rose. It’s so dry season morning typical – subhanallah!.
Indeed, morning is full of blessings.

The Everlasting Songs of MLTR
Though I agree that this morning’s just too precious to spend with nothing, I do – have no plan for today. A young serviceman just left our house (alhamdulillah – we thought a severe damage happened with the device that we had to purchase the new one, but it’s actually (only) a cable misplugged – GUBRAK! :D). Well, after making sure the connection’s back to normal, I got back to the jungle also JJ playing a new DVD of music while writing this post. Can you guess the artist?. Yep, it’s Michael Learns To Rock JJ. The best collection of MLTR which is immortal I’d say – hence, I doubtlessly won’t touch the remote to pick and change the track!.

The Milky Way upon the heavens
Is twinkling just for you
And Mr. Moon he came by
To say goodnight to you
I'll sing for you I'll sing for mother
We're praying for the world
And for the people everywhere
Gonna show them all we care
Oh my sleeping child the world's so wild
But you've build your own paradise
That's one reason why I'll cover you sleeping child
If all the people around the world
They had a mind like yours
We'd have no fighting and no wars
There would be lasting peace on Earth
If all the kings and all the leaders
Could see you here this way
They would hold the Earth in their arms
They would learn to watch you play

Here are the rest tracks:
25 Minutes
Paint My Love
The Actor
That’s Why (You Go Away)
How Many Hours
Nothing To Lose
I’m Gonna Be Around
Strange Foreign Beauty
You Took My Heart Away
Blue Night
The Ghost Of You

Note: A little prayer in this morning “Ya Allah, please heighten my patience and perseverance. Keep me away from a deep grief and despair. Show me the straight way, show me the right path. Hope I can always be a better, useful and thankful human for the rest of my life. Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamin...”.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How Are You There, 90’s Musicians?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012 (just another very-very late post!)

I’m always thankful to be born in the era of 90’s decade JJ. Of all the reasons I can find out, music is only one of!. The bands, girl bands, boy bands, singers – how we’re really amused that time!.

Their songs more or less shaped the young-me.
Their musics imprinted on the grown-up-me after all.
Their albums indeed were my diary.
They can bring back the good memory of childhood each time I play them – especially with certain feeling.
Inspiration – is surely all about.. .

This always happens when people my age – who were born in 80’s, meet on a music channel or a discussion forum (let’s say YouTube). We’re never tired of comparing now and back then, putting a thousand words – whether it’s a compliment, an insult, or just an honest and fair opinion – all is as if we really were the experts JJ. The same old topic that leads to an endless war!. I suppose we are all connected with the same feeling of longing. Longing for an epic masterpiece the great musician will proudly present. Knowing this fact, I’m happy I’m not alone JJ

It’s not for a particular reason I came up with this topic tonight. If you look at my playlist, you will always find such names as:

Y BOYZONE. It’ll everlastingly be special talking about word “FIRST”. They say first thing never seems to last. First meet, first date, first impression, first love, first salary, first trip, first experience, and..... the boy band whom I knew first is the 5-Irish-men so-called Boyzone. For this reason, ergo – they’ll be forever irreplaceable.

I was once like you are now..
And I know that it's not easy..
To be calm..
When you've found something going on..
But take your time..
Think a lot..
Think of everything you've got..
For you will still be here tomorrow..
But your dreams may not..

Y WESTLIFE. Okay, no more words to say. Thanks Guys for the great songs, great albums, great videos, great performances and great stories *except the shocking confession of a man named Marcus Michael Patrick Feehily way back in 2005 which wasn’t great at all!! LL. Still, many thanks (again) for I can always find any of your songs that fits each period of my life. Since I was a teenager to me-turning-30 now. From Forever ‘till Home. I venture to say – yes, we grew old together. That’s why to me, you Guys are always more than something!. ‘Till I meet you again, lovely Marky! YY

So I say a little prayer..
And hope my dreams will take me there..
Where the skies are blue..
To see you once again my love..
Over seas from coast to coast..
To find the place I love the most..
Where the fields are green..
To see you once again..
My love..

Y THE CORRS. Aside from the fact that I always love listening to the Celtic instrumental music as it’s really comforting – to me – Andrea, Caroline, Sharon and Jim is a complete package of deep interest, strong skill and great talent of music. The result? -- is no joke. They are a ‘gift’ who got the ‘gift’.

In your eyes, faint as the singing of a lark..
That somehow this black night..
Feels warmer for the spark..
Warmer for the spark..
To hold us 'til the day..
When fear will lose its grip..
And heaven has its ways..
Heaven knows no frontiers..
And I've seen heaven in your eyes..

*It isn’t coincidence that my-3-most-favourite-musicians come from Ireland, is it? :P

Without lessening my respect, there are also – Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, All Saints, Blue, A1, M2M, t.A.T.u, B*Witched, Ultra, Steps, The Moffats, Atomic Kitten, A*Teens, ‘N Sync, Sugababes, 5ive, Boyz II Men, 98 Degrees, All-4-One, Code Red, Color Me Badd, No Mercy, No Doubt, Human Nature, Michael Learns To Rock, S Club 7, Sixpence None The Richer, Savage Garden, 911, Caught In The Act, C21, O-Town, 3T, B2K, LFO, BBMak, NKOTB, Hanson, Cold Play, Take That, Aqua, U2, Green Day, Bon Jovi, Pearl Jam, Aerosmith, Oasis, Arkarna, Goo Goo Dolls, Limp Bizkit, Solid Harmonie, Ace of Base, TLC, Destiny’s Child, The Cranberries, The Cardigans, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Creed, Simple Plan, Linkin Park, Bond, Michael Jackson, Richard Marx, Phil Collins, Eric Clapton, Bryan Adams, Craig David, Joey McIntyre, Ricky Martin, Kavana, Enrique Iglesias, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Shania Twain, Dido, Sinead O’Conner, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Mandy Moore, Pink, Kylie Minogue, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Natalie Imbruglia, Alanis Morisette, Jennifer Page, Emilia, Tina Arena, Jennifer Lopez, Avril Lavigne – and may be some names I forgot to mention here.

For local musicians (not as many as international :P) – those names won’t be too much different from what I’d say:
Y Ebiet G. Ade and Chrisye – the legends whom Indonesia should proudly have!.
Y Reza Artamevia – Indonesians may overhype Krisdayanti :P, but for me no such diva as Reza inspite of life-disturbance she had to deal with at the top of her career.
Y Glenn Fredly, Kla Project, Dewa 19, Ada Band, Padi, Letto, Gigi, Warna, Stinky, Naff, Yovie-Nuno, Kahitna, Java Jive, AB-Three, RSD, Arwana, Lingua, Tofu – well, have I missed the other names?.

Time passes by and unfortunately, some of them aren’t in their original formations anymore while some others decided to go into a long hiatus or even broke up!. Now, I kind of wonder how they’re doing now. Will they reunite one day and bring all their hit songs back on the stage?. Oh, I wish soooooo!! JJ

Long live the 90’s!!! JJ

R.A.N.D.O.M: Part 1

– Timeless (2012) –

There is always a random post – a blogger has. So do I.
Well, it’s not that I’m following the mainstream – as for me, those facts (sometimes) are too simple and short to be written in special post :P
So, here are some random facts/thoughts of mine:

J   I’m in the middle of these 2-things – a bike or a tablet. No-no-no, don’t get it wrong!. It’s not that someone is asking me to choose one of both – hahahaha JJ what the hell am I thinking? *LOL*.
I mean – I want to (and will) buy both but indeed there’ll always be priority for limited resource so-called ‘money’ :P. A bike – to exercise and to make friend with nature J (Araya is the best place to do this sort of activity, I bet!) or a cheapest but decent tablet (sophisticated = a wad of money!). Hmm, I need both – first thing, of course for healthy and fun while second one *ehem the more I think, maybe it’s (actually) just for my self-esteem. Hahaha what’s the point of acting confused??? – well, wide screen amazes me, really!. This time, neither is affordable for me hahaha :P you can browse the catalogue and see how the price will kill you! *LOL*

J   Constantly bedazzled each time I read the word “Light-Year (ly)”! What kind of food is that? Click here!

J   The biggest project I want (and have) to start and finish soon is to write my experience when I:
~ Had a short trip to Europe on June ‘till August 2012, and
~ Am preparing application for Master Degree (ongoing year).
They are literally the main reasons why I created this blog! :P

J   A moment when I had a sightseeing at Royal ATK (the biggest stationery store in my city) – I couldn’t find Luna water color pencil with a picture of sailing boat and crescent on its cover package. I asked my little friends – Ditong and Nembot – they never heard the brand before. Hmm, people at my age might have known and used it – as it was phenomenal for its double function that time.
      (Update: Another night another day – I found that Luna still exists nowadays without losing its magical touch! J)

J   Life of Pi is the first movie I watched alone at the cinema and the second movie (after Titanic) I watched 2 times. I thought it also would be the first movie I watched in 3D version, but yes you’re right – that’s only in my dream! L

J   Despite the fact that I love donning casual outfits (jeans, t-shirt and jacket) and sometimes just trust to vintage clothes to radiate my feminine side *LOL* :P, I wanna say thanks to whoever invented the perfect couple -- boot and coat. Ya-ya, Indonesians don’t need these winter fashions but I’ve told myself to have at least one of each in my closet (someday) :D

J   My favorite person on the television right now is Vincent – a former bassist of retro band named Club 80’s. Look how he makes the prank calls at one of reality show on Trans 7. Oh mein.... X) X)

J   Don’t you Guys think that the most attractive widget in this page is the Flag Counter? hehehe :D :D. I mean, look at the collection of mini-sized-colorful-flags there! – so various, so beautiful JJ
J   Time Limit is the funniest Japanese comic I have ever read while for cartoon movie, I undoubtedly will pick Ice Age and Happy Feet series, also Monster Inc. :D :D

J   Notwithstanding the negative comments about his less-manliness, I still consider Joen Jin Ho (the main role of K-Drama “Personal Taste”) as the most romantic drama character so far *singing: Ada Band ~ Karena Wanita Ingin Dimengerti*. He understands Park Gae In better than she knows herself! *envious*. But to me, none of the characters is as appealing as stubborn, hot-headed leader of F4 – Dao Ming Si (Taiwanese)/ Tsukasa Doumyouji (Japanese)/Gu Jun Pyo (Korean). I think, he just doesn’t know how to act when he’s right after next to the girl he falls in love with – and thaaat – reminds me of me (a lot)! hahaha XD XD

J   Something that unlikely happened in the past but yes – now I’m dreaming so bad about it – is to own my own castle (red: house) complete with its horse-drawn carriage (red: car)! XD XD. A house in which I can design, organize, clean-up and live comfortably in it – with a small-circular fishpond in the middle of the lounge bordered with a full-glass-partition. And I... always love the smart idea of putting some dim lights between the ornamental plants.

J   Being tempted to ‘roam” around the YouTube – looking for a dance-cover video of K-Pop groups, even brought me to meet one of korean dance groups named Black Queen. Just so you know, they dance much-much better than the artists themselves!. Oh ya, I found another one – named Waveya, but forgive me Girls – the way you dance looks so sloppy and messy while Black Queen moves more cleanly. That’s it!.

J   I’ve been itching to travel again!!. Lombok and all its beauty is my next target. This time I’m lucky to have little ability to read direction, an abundance of time, a healthy-muscular body *LOL*, tons of guts, but noooooo – the classical problem is...... . It’s all about the money, money, money.. I do need some money, money, money XD XD *singing: Jessie J. – Price Tag with little modification*.

 “Uang, Tenaga, Waktu”
(Money, Energy, Time)

Masa muda à Uang r Tenaga √ Waktu √
(Youth/Adolescent à Money r Energy Time √)
Masa dewasa à Uang √ Tenaga √ Waktu r
(Adult à Money Energy Time r)
Masa tua à Uang √ Tenaga r Waktu √
(Old à Money Energy r Time √)

Oh yes – it says I’m a teenager!. See? T-E-E-N-A-G-E-R with double “E”!!!. Errr, give me five! hahahahaha XD XD

J   It’s not the first time, still, can hardly believe there’s someone who’s so terribly in love with my handwriting. I swear I’m not being cocky, but the way she copies it :O :O wkwkwk she tries really hard!. Well Kid, better find your true identity soon, okay? :P

J   I need but hate to sleep during the daytime. Day-mare (how I call a bad dream happens during napping :D) is the only cause for I wake up with half-consciousness and half-mood!. There seems to be only 2 options to choose when I start to close my eyes – to have a day-mare OR to have no dreams at all. God, that’s so horrible! LL