Tuesday, April 30, 2013

R.A.N.D.O.M: Part 1

– Timeless (2012) –

There is always a random post – a blogger has. So do I.
Well, it’s not that I’m following the mainstream – as for me, those facts (sometimes) are too simple and short to be written in special post :P
So, here are some random facts/thoughts of mine:

J   I’m in the middle of these 2-things – a bike or a tablet. No-no-no, don’t get it wrong!. It’s not that someone is asking me to choose one of both – hahahaha JJ what the hell am I thinking? *LOL*.
I mean – I want to (and will) buy both but indeed there’ll always be priority for limited resource so-called ‘money’ :P. A bike – to exercise and to make friend with nature J (Araya is the best place to do this sort of activity, I bet!) or a cheapest but decent tablet (sophisticated = a wad of money!). Hmm, I need both – first thing, of course for healthy and fun while second one *ehem the more I think, maybe it’s (actually) just for my self-esteem. Hahaha what’s the point of acting confused??? – well, wide screen amazes me, really!. This time, neither is affordable for me hahaha :P you can browse the catalogue and see how the price will kill you! *LOL*

J   Constantly bedazzled each time I read the word “Light-Year (ly)”! What kind of food is that? Click here!

J   The biggest project I want (and have) to start and finish soon is to write my experience when I:
~ Had a short trip to Europe on June ‘till August 2012, and
~ Am preparing application for Master Degree (ongoing year).
They are literally the main reasons why I created this blog! :P

J   A moment when I had a sightseeing at Royal ATK (the biggest stationery store in my city) – I couldn’t find Luna water color pencil with a picture of sailing boat and crescent on its cover package. I asked my little friends – Ditong and Nembot – they never heard the brand before. Hmm, people at my age might have known and used it – as it was phenomenal for its double function that time.
      (Update: Another night another day – I found that Luna still exists nowadays without losing its magical touch! J)

J   Life of Pi is the first movie I watched alone at the cinema and the second movie (after Titanic) I watched 2 times. I thought it also would be the first movie I watched in 3D version, but yes you’re right – that’s only in my dream! L

J   Despite the fact that I love donning casual outfits (jeans, t-shirt and jacket) and sometimes just trust to vintage clothes to radiate my feminine side *LOL* :P, I wanna say thanks to whoever invented the perfect couple -- boot and coat. Ya-ya, Indonesians don’t need these winter fashions but I’ve told myself to have at least one of each in my closet (someday) :D

J   My favorite person on the television right now is Vincent – a former bassist of retro band named Club 80’s. Look how he makes the prank calls at one of reality show on Trans 7. Oh mein.... X) X)

J   Don’t you Guys think that the most attractive widget in this page is the Flag Counter? hehehe :D :D. I mean, look at the collection of mini-sized-colorful-flags there! – so various, so beautiful JJ
J   Time Limit is the funniest Japanese comic I have ever read while for cartoon movie, I undoubtedly will pick Ice Age and Happy Feet series, also Monster Inc. :D :D

J   Notwithstanding the negative comments about his less-manliness, I still consider Joen Jin Ho (the main role of K-Drama “Personal Taste”) as the most romantic drama character so far *singing: Ada Band ~ Karena Wanita Ingin Dimengerti*. He understands Park Gae In better than she knows herself! *envious*. But to me, none of the characters is as appealing as stubborn, hot-headed leader of F4 – Dao Ming Si (Taiwanese)/ Tsukasa Doumyouji (Japanese)/Gu Jun Pyo (Korean). I think, he just doesn’t know how to act when he’s right after next to the girl he falls in love with – and thaaat – reminds me of me (a lot)! hahaha XD XD

J   Something that unlikely happened in the past but yes – now I’m dreaming so bad about it – is to own my own castle (red: house) complete with its horse-drawn carriage (red: car)! XD XD. A house in which I can design, organize, clean-up and live comfortably in it – with a small-circular fishpond in the middle of the lounge bordered with a full-glass-partition. And I... always love the smart idea of putting some dim lights between the ornamental plants.

J   Being tempted to ‘roam” around the YouTube – looking for a dance-cover video of K-Pop groups, even brought me to meet one of korean dance groups named Black Queen. Just so you know, they dance much-much better than the artists themselves!. Oh ya, I found another one – named Waveya, but forgive me Girls – the way you dance looks so sloppy and messy while Black Queen moves more cleanly. That’s it!.

J   I’ve been itching to travel again!!. Lombok and all its beauty is my next target. This time I’m lucky to have little ability to read direction, an abundance of time, a healthy-muscular body *LOL*, tons of guts, but noooooo – the classical problem is...... . It’s all about the money, money, money.. I do need some money, money, money XD XD *singing: Jessie J. – Price Tag with little modification*.

 “Uang, Tenaga, Waktu”
(Money, Energy, Time)

Masa muda à Uang r Tenaga √ Waktu √
(Youth/Adolescent à Money r Energy Time √)
Masa dewasa à Uang √ Tenaga √ Waktu r
(Adult à Money Energy Time r)
Masa tua à Uang √ Tenaga r Waktu √
(Old à Money Energy r Time √)

Oh yes – it says I’m a teenager!. See? T-E-E-N-A-G-E-R with double “E”!!!. Errr, give me five! hahahahaha XD XD

J   It’s not the first time, still, can hardly believe there’s someone who’s so terribly in love with my handwriting. I swear I’m not being cocky, but the way she copies it :O :O wkwkwk she tries really hard!. Well Kid, better find your true identity soon, okay? :P

J   I need but hate to sleep during the daytime. Day-mare (how I call a bad dream happens during napping :D) is the only cause for I wake up with half-consciousness and half-mood!. There seems to be only 2 options to choose when I start to close my eyes – to have a day-mare OR to have no dreams at all. God, that’s so horrible! LL

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