Friday, November 30, 2012

Just A Random Thought

Friday, November 16, 2012

The more I read, the more I find how random this post is :P – so, be ready to jump and glide! J

Well, this is one thing I Y about having a blog – I feel as though I am much obliged to share the interesting story as soon as I had one J

Just now, I watched another episode of Talk Indonesia. Yes, the newest one..
Actually, I missed the first broadcast they have regularly on Thursday morning (re-run on Sunday morning).
I had noticed the highlight and kept reminding myself not to miss it as I really wanted to know how’s Dian Sastro English (she would be the guest!), but I guess the alarm didn’t work at all! L
Thank God, I could still find the video after messing up the website of Metro TV (in addition, I watched the re-run also! *LOL*)
Just in case you missed the broadcast, you can go to this link J

You Guys are the loyal followers?.
Possibly I am not since I missed many episodes of them L
(still difficult to get used to the schedule as I always am kind of assuming that the perfect time to watch English programme as the rare one is on the weekend! Weirdo! *LOL*)

I know it’s not related but just so you know, there are ‘only’ 2 TV channels we stay tuned at home.
First is Metro TV.
Second is.. umm, any of channels which broadcast the football game!
(‘only’ 2 I said? *LOL*)

I don’t say we never turn to another channel. Yes, we do it..
(of course we need dramas, shows and talk shows beside news! We need to be entertained also! XD XD)
It’s like – I call Metro TV a home while others are the terminals we visit them sometimes J

And I.. can not stay away from Metro TV for a particular reason.
Yes, it consistently has special programme which is broadcasted in English language.
Have you ever been watching one of these: Indonesia Now, Talk Indonesia, After Hours, Face to Face (with Desi Anwar), or Menu and Venue?.
Or perhaps you are one of those who never misses these inspiring programmes: The Oprah Winfrey Show, Super Nanny, Nanny 911, Rachael Ray, or science-documentary film they often relay in Indonesian Subtitle?.  
Now, they have at least 3 English programmes which are currently running (the first 3 I mentioned earlier).

Of all those programmes, I consider Talk Indonesia as the best-loved!.

I do enjoy watching a talk show – where (famous, professional) people are purposely invited to state their pro & con-opinions, to put forward any ideas, or just to share their expertise of something that is still related to the topic.
And Talk Indonesia, is one such.

So, to answer the curiosity – how is Dian Sastro English?
(has the question already been answered? *LOL*)

Well, I take my hat off to her!! Y
For real!
She speaks near-perfect English (from the way I see her as a non-native speaker).
I mean, no wonder if Cinta Laura speaks English so fluently as she is an interracial/biracial kid (the ‘product’ of a mixed-marriage J) and remember that she always prefers international instead of local/public school as place for study – so I say, no other way than to use it daily, right?!.
Or most of news anchors who took their degrees abroad..
Or else, all celebs who got married to foreigners and spent their years overseas..

While Dian?  
It’s not that I underestimate her (I’m not her antis by the way J).
It’s just Gosh! ~ the way she spoke ~ it’s like the river of words flowing from her mouth!

Okay, maybe I’m too exaggerating *LOL*

Still it’s true! She just kind of easily spoke out her idea without letting any space to interrupt in between!
Undoubtedly, she keeps on practicing and for this cause, I envy her a lot! L

Intermezzo: I Y the part when she said, “You really want to go home into something worth going home”. Nice quote, Dian! J
(She’s been asked about her experience of being a newly mom – related to third topic ‘perils of parenthood’.
Damn! She was (also) preparing GMAT when her husband-to-be asked to get married and it’s kinda funny knowing that she responded the proposal with a big ‘WHY’ question *LOL*.
“Why Now??? Why not another 2 years?? I’m still young – 28 years old – and, at the top of my career, also I want to pursue master degree in USA”, she argued.. . But the destiny has become definite and she admitted that right now, she’s in the happiest moment of lifetime J).

Back to the topic J – therefore, why would English intend to be eliminated from elementary school curriculum when there is still a person (refers to ‘ME’ *LOL*) – who’s being envious of other’s english proficiency?.
I mean – hey, English is very important so why do you want to scrap it off behind the reason of nationalism?.
Whyyyyyyyyyyy??? Whyyyyyyyyyyy???
Why Mr. President???
I’m the one standing against it! ()

Anybody wants to make a petition?
I will sign it first!

Can you imagine this situation – “Which parents who’d still enthusiastically enroll their children in public elementary school which has no English subject, while they have invested a lot of money for children to attend international class of playgroup just so children could speak English as early as possible?” (Dang!)

And thing I want to give a tension here, please do not ever put ‘nationalism’ as the reason behind decision!
I’m not being sarcastic or acting as if I don’t have any nationalism to my country.
I do Y my country!
And I need an international language as a tool to communicate and promote the beauty of Indonesia to the World *ehem!.
(if the World admits Indonesian as an international language, I will stop studying English then *LOL*)

So (in my opinion), rather than eliminating it, why don’t we start to speak English even earlier? (at least we can master the colloquial J) – indeed, it will be side by side with Indonesian as well as local language! (I never look down on kids’ brains as they grow up and develop rapidly at this golden era – thus, why wouldn’t we give them a chance?).

For me, it’s always fun studying English.
(oh okay, honestly I must strike the ‘always’ word from the line *LOL*).
As some of you may know, now I’m preparing GMAT and TOEFL which (of course) are delivered in English language.
Sometimes I get bored reading a hundred of words that sound very scientific and unfamiliar to my ears LL (I know how it might be a little bit bothersome to read 2 books at the same time – first is the ‘real’ book and second is dictionary – the only ‘translator’ we rely on *LOL*).

But thank God, there is ‘something’ that always pulls me back! J
The way I fell into English – I dare say – ain’t the same with the one I feel for Accounting.
~ Okay, (I know) I spent my last year of high school in social-science (not language) class, also I pursued my undergraduate degree in Accounting major, even I plan to enroll in business school for master degree (see? – always linear!).
Simply, I will put word “NEED” for Accounting and “WANT” for English.
Is that acceptable? J

Sounds crazy but lingual-things always enthrall me (з´`ε)

How I enjoy sitting for hours in front of computer – having these sort of activities: reading the sources, stringing every single word then analyzing them, making any correction, keep assuring myself that nothing is missing – even just for a single comma :P, then checking over and over again until I find the result is (quite) well-done!.
Yuuuh, so relaxing!! \(´`)/

Though I’m not a professional writer, it’s obviously that I (will and had) apply(-ied) ‘the procedure’ whenever I have a writing task (250’s-pages-of-minor-thesis masterpiece :P, emails, notes, questions, comments, blog – and friends!).
For me, that’s the art of writing!

Note: The first person who (apparently) noticed my interest in literature was my fifth-grade teacher, Bu Rosita. Our school – together with others local schools were invited to join the Elementary School Competition that time (to compete in some subject areas/fields of study, such as: Mathematics, Bahasa Indonesia, Natural Science, Social Science, and Art). Among the candidates (me and friends J), she directly chose me to represent school – competing in Bahasa Indonesia subject.
The result? I came in the forth place J (not bad!).
Indeed, she showed me the hidden path.. .

Speaking of career path, I always consider the A-Plan is something related to my educational background (Business and Economics) and the B-Plan is another thing (I think) I want to do based on my special interest.

Y A-Plan: To pursue master degree in top business school, to have 3-5 years experience in top consulting firms/companies (internship, professional worker), to be a lecturer (teaching and doing research at my own alma mater).

Y B-Plan (if no univ/school wants me to be part of them L): I always am thinking about being a freelance translator (for books, articles, movies) or/and an english teacher J. Of course, it won’t be easy as I don’t have any educational background in English literature – but I will try to fulfill the requirement. 

Yeah, the B-Plan is just my wishful thinking – still keep on fighting, wishing and waiting for the day I become a master student – seems to be overconfident
ー`)but amin Ya Allah! (unless if God says the B-Plan is better for me, I will accept it gratefully and execute it for sure J)

Hoooo, this post is extremely getting random *LOL*

Afterall, I will try to write any post in English (as best as I can).
I prefer to write in Bahasa only if I think the words I string in English will even spoil the essence of the story (the amusing or maybe the heavy one? :P).
Just forgive if I made any word-misspelling mispronounce misuse mistreat – whatsoever.
Well, I Y the beauty of English and will not ruin it on purpose J

I will not surrender – ever Y

P.S: I long to have a practice session of English (Writing, Reading, Listening, especially Speaking – still, all are welcome!). Need a friend/partner with the same purpose – anyone wants to join? J

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It’s November Rain!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

If someone gives me a box of words then asks me to pick some which simply describe the perfect moment I want for my holiday, that will be: Sloping-Beach, Bright-Sun, Breezy-Wind (not ‘Wine’ :P), and Instrumental Song (Lough Erin Shore belongs to The Corrs!).

It’s a rule! J

Sounds strict but yeah – for me they are kind of perfect combination – whether I will spend it for beach-walking, catching up the wave, or just letting myself laying on the sand with a cool sunglasses upon my face.
Can you guess the rest? Yes yes yes!!! Observing the ‘potential-guy’ who passes by – the one who can handily draw my attention *LOL-LOL-LOL*.
(which part of the solar system do you live in, Kid? J)

Hohoo we live in the part of solar system – so called ‘Earth’ which (also) has its own way to rule.
The way when the night turns to day and the dry turns to rain..

And here comes the rain.. J
The late rain – should I say – as it came 2 months late than it was supposed to.

The same rain which (always) gives me an ambivalence – you know – the opposite feelings we feel at the same time.

I Y the smell of the ground, the grass, and the air after the first pouring rain – kind of fresh, addictive, yet relieving..
I Y the rhythm of the falling rain – sounds so up, vivid, but sometimes turns to low in sudden.. . However, it always brings peace to my soul..
I Y the spectacular show of the dancing rain – how it falls, disperses, and fills up every single line it’s through..  
I Y the color of rain blending with sky – pale-flawless-white, can be dark, but often grey..
Also, I Y the message it tries to deliver – how to surrender yet readily fight for tomorrow as anonymous said “There will be sunshine after rain ~ There will be laughter after pain”..
They are all good somehow and make me feel utterly overwhelmed just by watching and listening them..
(Great! I’ve never been so poetic and positive as I am now *LOL*)

Anyway, thank God it’s raining! JJ

P.S:    3 things (I said) I hate about the rain:
         L WET – means it will take at least 3 days to dry out the clothes (almost a week for thick jeans :P), will take a whole day to make sure there is no seep puddle in every inch of the floor (sweeping and swabbing things :P), and will take some extra times to prepare an umbrella, a rain coat, and a (pile of) good mood before leaving the house. 
L HOLIDAY – who will still enthusiastically spend a holiday on a damp-gloomy day? (even if it’s planned to be a sort of outdoor water activities such as diving, swimming, or friends!).
L SNAIL – I don’t know (okay honestly, don’t want to know) where they hide throughout dry season, perhaps they just terribly regenerate, recharge, reproduce, whatsoever – but they do put on quite a show during rain!!!!!. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

What Makes Him Beautiful

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The most beautiful and memorable poetry I have ever read is The Holy Qur’an and the greatest poet I have ever known is Allah The Almighty.

And among the best, I always have my favorite JJ

Y Surah Y

Ar ramāni r-raīm
Iyyāka naʿbudu wa iyyāka nastaʿīn
irāa al-laīna anʿamta ʿalayhim ġayri l-maġūbi ʿalayhim walā -āllīn

Owner of the Day of Recompense.
You alone do we worship and You alone we seek for help.
Guide us to the Straight Path.
The path of those whom Your blessings are upon, Not of those who You have cursed nor of those who have gone astray."

Y Hadith Y

On the authority of Abu Harayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Prophet (PBUH) said: Allah the Almighty said:

“I am as My servant thinks I am (1). I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.”

(1)  Another possible rendering of the Arabic is: "I am as My servant expects Me to be". The meaning is that forgiveness and acceptance of repentance by the Almighty is subject to His servant truly believing that He is forgiving and merciful. However, not to accompany such belief with right action would be to mock the Almighty.

It was related by al-Buhkari (also by Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn-Majah).

Thursday, November 22, 2012

GG, Put It Back On!

I never expect that one of my post will discuss about GG a.k.a Girls’ Generation ƪ(♥ε♥)ʃ

You, Guys ~ para Sone pasti pada nyensi aja baca inisial di atas ya? Hehee J judul itu memang merefer ke girl band (GB) paling happening saat ini *coba deh liat angka yang tertulis persis di pojok kanan bawah all official videos GG yang masuk top hit list di YouTube ~ it always breaks through 10 mio’s views!!.
(Official video GG biasanya diupload oleh account resmi SMEntertainment/SMTown/account yang berbau-bau SM lah pokoknya, masih HD Quality plus blom ada lyric or iklannya J)

Bukannya aku mau ngaku-ngaku jadi Sone karbitan looo... aku ngeh kok waktu GB ini dibentuk tahun 2007.. mereka cantik *I admit it!.
Tapi karena aku ga terlalu klik sama lagu di awal kemunculan mereka (red: Gee), pun aku juga ga akan terlalu pay attention kalau personel sebuah GB itu sampai more than 5 persons *bingung nah ngapalin profil mereka one by one apalagi suara mereka ga terlalu bikin aku bisa koprol sambil comment WOW gitu (maksudnya kurang menonjol kecuali sang leader Tae Yeon yang lumayan powerful ama Jessica yang punya suara khas nasal-nasal gitu), jadilah I didn’t want to get to know them any further!.
(Well, actually aku baru/cuman/masih dengerin lagu Gee itu sih, habis itu doank yang sering diplay hehehe gitu udah bilang ga klik aja ya? (з´`ε) – Oke deh to be honest, I’m not a teenager anymore, jadilah konsep girly-cutie yang diusung GG sangat amat tidak nyantol ke akunya hohoo J maklum, pengusung semangat ‘girl-power’! :P).

This time, I will not discuss about their profile or each of member personality *udah banyak website/blog/forum yang ngebahas profil mereka sih :P
Aku cuman pengen ngebahas 2 lagu GG yang *finally* nyantol di kupingku (o) hehehe yang sebenarnya lagu-lagu ini dirilis tahun 17 Maret 2010 untuk Run Devil Run (whatttttt???) and 18 Oktober 2011 untuk The Boys..

Pada dipingit di mana Mbak tuh kuping? Kok ya baru-barunya nyantol ma lagu 2010 di tahun 2012?

(ˇ_ˇ") Iya nih jadi ngerasa kayak unconnected blas sama dunia luar selama kerja dulu (di tulisan lain – yang sayangnya belum aku posting :P, aku juga sempat nulis kalo selama kerja dulu, 24/7-ku rasa-rasanya ga ada self indulgence time-nya! L padahal benernya sih cukup oke juga work-life-balanceku ditambah 2 free days in the end of the week yang selalu dan tak pernah absen kugunakan untuk pulang ke Malang enjoying the nothing-to-do-day.. cuman waktu itu time rasanya flew aja and weekend berakhir dengan kegalauan luar biasa, berasa emoh banget kudu back to jungle on Monday morning!). Akhirnya oh akhirnya, I felt so alive juga setelah memutuskan resign di akhir Mei 2012 and took an-almost-three-months-trip–to-Netherlands, jadinya deh aku baru intens banget mantengin video-video di YouTube (apapun dah ~ mulai MV indo jadul, west jadul, K-Pop, dangdut, band lokal sampai manca masa kini, documentary film, de-el-el) which ultimately brought me to GG J

Awalnya tuh, aku taunya lagu Run Devil Run dari kakakku yang sempat mantengin konser GG (di Japan) di YouTube.. “Hmm, keren juga nih lagu!” batinku... dari cuman perbatinan akhirnya kebrainwash juga nih otak *soal menyoal brainwash sang kakak juga akan coba kutulis di postingan lainnya yaaa J
Jadinya deh, I searched and enjoyed the song myself yang menurutku top banget ~ mulai dari
rhythm, lirik, konsep MV, koreografi sampai outfitnya! *layak lah kalau jadi hits dunia (berasa bangga jadi orang Asia!) (з´`ε)

Dari perburuan Run Devil Run, singgahlah aku ke MV yang lain (tau sendiri kan sistem rantai video di YouTube yang lebih tewur dari rantai makanan!) which is entitled The Boys yang secara MV outfit sebenarnya aku lebih suka kostum personel di Run Devil Run, tapi lagunya itu loh cool banget *sampai-sampai nih lagu jadi lagu korea pertama yang aku apal lirik include rap-rapnya karena keseringan diplay (nomor satu diplaylist hapeku bok!) Hεε♥Hзз♥Hεε♥Hзз (▽≦) segitunya!
Message ringtone sepaket ama phone ringtone semua bernada Girls, Bring the Boys Out!! (duh berasa jadi personel GG ke-10 yang ketlisut :P).

Dari MV-MV ini jugalah yang membuat aku hapal masing-masing nama personel plus fakta unik tentang mereka *OMOOOO!
Kalau dulu mah cuman tau Tae Yeon karena pernah jadi guest star di reality show favoritku “Family Outing Season 1” ama si Yoon Ah karena penasaran kok orang-orang pada heboh ngomongin kecantikannya..
Today, I will choose none of the member to be my favourite since I found each of them is unique for their own special character J

Okay, enough for the intro, let’s review them one by one yaaaaaa :D
Note: The review I give for each aspect is just for fun purpose – so please no offense! J


Personal    Review

        ‖ Song ‖ Lyric ‖ Story ‖ Choreography 
‖ Hair Do-Make Up ‖ MV & Stage Outfit  (««««)
This is what I (think I started to) love!. Di lagu ini, from all of aspects – GG terlihat lebih dewasa (compare to previous singles). No more perm/curly hair, no more colorful outfit/costume, no more cuteness (I mean, they’re still cute – as always, tapi dalam cara yang berbeda – yang malah bisa diterima kalangan 20-something as me J. I hope, ‘no-more’ here means ‘no-more-forever’ since whether you admit it or not, these pretty girls are not teenies anymore, si maknae Seoh Yoon tahun ini udah 21! (tapi kalau ngliat lagu The Boys, rasa-rasanya sih konsep cuteness GG udah gak dipake lagi ya? – lihat deh warna kostumnya – oh bahkan model kostumnya sendiri udah ala-ala dress/gown gitu.. so is the make up – they’ve grown mature! J).

The rhythm of song sounds universal – aku bayangin aja nih lagu bisa dibawain semua penyanyi cewek, terlepas mereka GB atau bukan, pun dari Korea atau bukan.. . Liriknya pasti 100% ku dukung – secara ini mengusung semangat kebangsaan cewek – biasalah tentang betrayal dan saatnya buat para cewek untuk menendang para cowok hahahahahahaha XD XD!

Temponya up – dan pastilah ada rappingnya J semacam pembagian tugas mungkin ya kalo di GB mengingat personelnya se-umbruk!. Aku sendiri suka bagian lagu yang kayak orang clapping itu (memang di koreonya sendiri, personel GG nepukin tangan sekali ke atas semacam klimaks hehee J). Kalo soal vocal, I give no comment for these reasons: (1) I’m not even a singer, nor a musician, nor a vocal teacher *LOL* and (2) Suara personel (kecuali Tae Yeon) amat sangat ‘fair’ sekali – not good nor bad (but still can be strengthened with lots of practicing) – jadi ini yang malah bikin orang bingung mau komentar model apa hehehe ^^ mending bagus sekalian or jelek sekalian biar jelas garisnya.

Choreography?. Kalau ini mah udah all thumbs-up aja lah.. sapa sih yang ga ngakuin koreografinya K-Pop yang ga asal J di bagian lirik “You better run.. run.. run..”, dipakailah gerakan seperti orang lari, meninju ke atas, mengusir ayam pakai tangan hahahaha XD jadi lucu gitu. Sayangnya, karena kekuranghatian kamera yang kalau menurutku salah ambil angle, waktu mereka ngedance berbaris dan ditake dari samping jadi kurang kelihatan kompaknya (walau cuman beda sepersekian detik sih!). Oh yah satu lagi, si Dancing Queen Hyo Yeon juga kurang dikasih slot khusus buat show-offin kemampuan dancingnya yang mantap surantap! L

Outfitnya juga top punya – they’re donning a black and white costumes in different backgrounds!. Khusus lagu ini, denger-denger SME memang sengaja mengusung tema ‘Black-Soshi’ – bahkan di penghujung MV Oh! ada bocoran pose GG in dark outfit. Aku baca sebagian review fans, ada yang kecewa (mungkin yang kecewa ini termasuk yang teenage – yang masih suka personel GG bikin gaya oppa-oppa-oppa kayak di Oh! gitu kali ya?). Kalo aku sih, malah seneng banget GG punya gaya kayak gini Y terutama yang black outfit itu – wieee keren, all personel berasa pas semuaaaaa Y. Mereka pakai semacam hoodie plus stocking hitam.. gak terlalu banyak aksesoris karena tandem kostum hitam di sini sudah ada percikan emas di beberapa bagian semisal: belt, around neck, bagian pergelangan tangan, hoodienya sendiri plus lapisan di high heels yang dipakai personel. Cantiiiiik semuaaaaaaa, apalagi rambut mereka dibikin panjang, lurus, plus dicolor brunette alias dark-brown (kecuali Tiffany dibikin pendek sebahu yang malah bikin dia kelihatan imut punya J ama Jessica yang memang hampir selalu terlihat punya warna rambut blonde – kalo di sini blondenya diselang-seling ama warna hitam J).

Make up pun juga bravo – karena ada sihir eye-linernya kali ya?. Bikin mata ga kelihatan sipit dan pucat J (coba lihat Tae Yeon! Keren waktu lihat kamera ngeshoot mata dia dan ada tempelan berlian kecil 2 biji di ujung pulasan dark brown gold eye-shadownya (ga tau apa yow namanya? L). Untuk outfit yang putih ga aku bahas ‘cus ga terlalu suka sih Korean in White – hehee bukan rasis ya tapi sumpah jadi kayak ga kelihatan kontrasnya!).

Overall, it is more than just ordinary song that I can enjoy listening to it every time but not the extra one (I think) they (actually still) could perform to fans, so I give 4 out of 5 stars for Run Devil Run! JJ


Personal    Review

        Song Lyric Story Choreography
Hair Do-Make Up MV & Stage Outfit (««««)

The song is hotttttttt!. I say it not in the term of ‘sexy’ or something *LOL*.
And also ‘unique’!!. I don’t know why do I put that word but this song is exactly one of kinda song I will listen more than 3 times a day. As I mentioned earlier, I collected the MP3, downloaded the MV from YouTube, and set the song as message and phone ringtone – OMG!. Anyone could you please tell me the reason why? I have (undeliberately) brainwashed some of my little friends here as I played it many times and they just hooked on it (like me) *LOL*!.

I’m not interested to review the song’s story/lyric since I don’t get the meaning. Beneran belum paham maksud and inti lagu ini apa?. Mungkin maksudnya the girls di sini pengen dare to challenge the boys-nya kali ya? hahaha J whatever – yang jelas secara lirik lagu and MV outfit, I’m not really into it. RDR is better.. secara lirik lebih jelas – pun konsep kostumnya yang dibikin serba hitam. Cuman ini dia yang aku suka – stage outfitnya banyak dan bagus-bagussssssss... . Ala-ala royal army – ada jubah, kancing yang emphasized and berderet-deret di bagian depan tight costume. Sepatu boots makin nambah kesan sexy the goddesses hihihihi J mini crown yang disemat di rambut hanyalah (mungkin) satu-satunya sisi girly GG yang tetep dimaintain.

Nih dia the most favorite-ku....

Secara vokal, commentnya sama ama RDR tadi *LOL*. Emang kekuatan GG itu ada di Tae Yeon ya (ama Jessica) – mereka berdua ini yang tanpa kita merem pun langsung ketahuan suaranya. Suara Tae Yeon lumayan berkarakter *cieh :P, bisa nyanyi di nada tinggi maupun rendah (dia salah satu penyanyi terbaik SME!). Udah pernah denger dia solo nyanyiin OST. The King 2 Hearts “Missing You Like Crazy” belum?. Atau coba search di YouTube video Tae Yeon duet ama Seoh Yoon bawain lagu Because You Loved Me-nya Celine Dion (ceritanya GG lagi diundang live di salah satu radio) – wah fantastis bombastis tetris pokoknya!!. Beneran kayak ga nyangka cewek seimut dia bisa powerful gitu suaranya (powerful di sini jangan disamakan ama suara Mariah Carey loh yaaa – tapi beneran dibandingin sama penyanyi K-Pop lain, Tae Yeon is more than average!). Kalo Jessica Jung itu suaranya nasal typical... cutie abis – cocok ama konsep di awal kemunculan GG. Kalo GG lagi live, mereka berdua ini yang ibarat bisa dilepas lah – no lipsync J – entahlah kalo mereka berdua mutung terus mau bersolo karir gimana jadinya GG ya? (all personel GG terlepas dari agenda grup mereka, sering terlihat punya kerjaan sendiri – oleh SME memang diexplore betul rupanya!. Ada yang acting, dancing, modelling, trus nongol juga di cover majalah plus jadi brand ambassador, oh ya jangan lupa reality show yang lagi menjamur di South Korea).

         How is the choreography?. Wah kalo ini juga (tetep) mantap! JJ *kok mantap terus komennya? hehee ~(‘’~) (~’’)~
Mungkin karena sudah crazy in love ama lagunya, jadi tiap ngliat MV The Boys pengen ikutan goyang ke kanan goyang ke kiri ngikutin dancingnya all personel. Di lagu ini juga muncul istilah ‘Crab-Dance’ – gerakan meliuk-liuk ala crab di bagian rap – “Julgyeobwara dojeone seollaeim.. Imi modu gajin sesange namja – wah si Hyo Yeon jelas expert dan yeaaaaaay finally dia yang jadi leader ke-8 temannya memimpin gerakan kepiting gatel hahahaha XD

In general, I give 4 out of 5 stars for The Boys as well!. Only the song itself which attracts me greatly Y – best effort but I believe the girls can still reach the top of beyond. Let’s just wait for the next song J

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The End Of The Era

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Intro: Honestly, I didn’t intend to spend this afternoon watching movie at the cinema for quite a reason (being a poor, being a monk, and so forth and so forth L) but I had promised my little best friend since long time ago and didn’t want to break it. However, it was paid off as we really enjoyed the movie – eventhough we did it in a miserable way *LOL*

So, this is it..
The era of vampire has finally ended.. ;)

Way back in 2008 – the first movie of Twilight Saga was released and people started to give their attentions and criticisms (they split into ‘fans’ and ‘detractors’ – as usual).
The ‘fang’ family (the actors/actresses and crew – without many formation changing) kept on working hard and continually releasing the series – each year until 2012 – the end of the vampire modern era J

It has been a while since the last time I read the book series.
Still was being a college student, I guess! What year was that??
No wonder, I kind of forgot the detail story *LOL* – but I’m pretty much sure I never read the part of Carlisle and Jasper’s heads being ripped off L (I mean for real! – not merely in Alice’s vision!).
Note: Other audience (mostly female *LOL*) seemed to be surprised too as they unexpectedly yelled out “Huuuuuu” word but giving a round of applause – showed the feeling of amusement J – hehee me either! Y

I saw the crew’s effort to create a lasting impression by making more comical scene (from what I noticed, it might be more than 5 scenes along the movie as the audience died laughing on it!).

From the scene of Bella turning into vampire (how she couldn’t control her own new-strength) or when she shockingly found the fact of Jacob being imprint on her daughter – Renesmee, the scene of Charlie being shocked by Jacob’s werewolf appearance until the scene of Jacob teasing Edward by saying “Should I call you Dad?” *LOL-LOL-LOL*

Well, I think I have to read the book for second time! (my lovely sister gave me the original English version of Breaking Dawn as a birthday gift last year and I haven’t finished reading it yet! (I firstly read the one in Indonesian translation so no more curiosity J)

The most favorite character still is Jacob the werewolf YY hohoo J
But I give an extra credit to Bella as in this finale she became more characterful – at least she’s more than just ‘a girl’ the boys were fighting for – how pointless!!
(Oh I forgot that she was born to be a new vampire and had to deal with The Volturi – that’s why her existence is more than just something now *LOL*!).

I will not give the spoiler even further – just want to mark the day when the ‘bloodless family’ finally lived happily ever after *yeaaaaaaaaay!!!
Can hardly wait for another series “The Hobbit Trilogy” – the first movie "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" will premiere on December 14, 2012 (Yo-yo-yoo! You go girl – let’s go study and see you Guys at the cinema in next December! Y).

P.S: Here is one of the OST. Breaking Dawn “A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. They put this song at the end credits of the movie and also bring back the entire casts of all Twilight Saga movies for audience to reminisce *so brilliant!*