Friday, November 30, 2012

Just A Random Thought

Friday, November 16, 2012

The more I read, the more I find how random this post is :P – so, be ready to jump and glide! J

Well, this is one thing I Y about having a blog – I feel as though I am much obliged to share the interesting story as soon as I had one J

Just now, I watched another episode of Talk Indonesia. Yes, the newest one..
Actually, I missed the first broadcast they have regularly on Thursday morning (re-run on Sunday morning).
I had noticed the highlight and kept reminding myself not to miss it as I really wanted to know how’s Dian Sastro English (she would be the guest!), but I guess the alarm didn’t work at all! L
Thank God, I could still find the video after messing up the website of Metro TV (in addition, I watched the re-run also! *LOL*)
Just in case you missed the broadcast, you can go to this link J

You Guys are the loyal followers?.
Possibly I am not since I missed many episodes of them L
(still difficult to get used to the schedule as I always am kind of assuming that the perfect time to watch English programme as the rare one is on the weekend! Weirdo! *LOL*)

I know it’s not related but just so you know, there are ‘only’ 2 TV channels we stay tuned at home.
First is Metro TV.
Second is.. umm, any of channels which broadcast the football game!
(‘only’ 2 I said? *LOL*)

I don’t say we never turn to another channel. Yes, we do it..
(of course we need dramas, shows and talk shows beside news! We need to be entertained also! XD XD)
It’s like – I call Metro TV a home while others are the terminals we visit them sometimes J

And I.. can not stay away from Metro TV for a particular reason.
Yes, it consistently has special programme which is broadcasted in English language.
Have you ever been watching one of these: Indonesia Now, Talk Indonesia, After Hours, Face to Face (with Desi Anwar), or Menu and Venue?.
Or perhaps you are one of those who never misses these inspiring programmes: The Oprah Winfrey Show, Super Nanny, Nanny 911, Rachael Ray, or science-documentary film they often relay in Indonesian Subtitle?.  
Now, they have at least 3 English programmes which are currently running (the first 3 I mentioned earlier).

Of all those programmes, I consider Talk Indonesia as the best-loved!.

I do enjoy watching a talk show – where (famous, professional) people are purposely invited to state their pro & con-opinions, to put forward any ideas, or just to share their expertise of something that is still related to the topic.
And Talk Indonesia, is one such.

So, to answer the curiosity – how is Dian Sastro English?
(has the question already been answered? *LOL*)

Well, I take my hat off to her!! Y
For real!
She speaks near-perfect English (from the way I see her as a non-native speaker).
I mean, no wonder if Cinta Laura speaks English so fluently as she is an interracial/biracial kid (the ‘product’ of a mixed-marriage J) and remember that she always prefers international instead of local/public school as place for study – so I say, no other way than to use it daily, right?!.
Or most of news anchors who took their degrees abroad..
Or else, all celebs who got married to foreigners and spent their years overseas..

While Dian?  
It’s not that I underestimate her (I’m not her antis by the way J).
It’s just Gosh! ~ the way she spoke ~ it’s like the river of words flowing from her mouth!

Okay, maybe I’m too exaggerating *LOL*

Still it’s true! She just kind of easily spoke out her idea without letting any space to interrupt in between!
Undoubtedly, she keeps on practicing and for this cause, I envy her a lot! L

Intermezzo: I Y the part when she said, “You really want to go home into something worth going home”. Nice quote, Dian! J
(She’s been asked about her experience of being a newly mom – related to third topic ‘perils of parenthood’.
Damn! She was (also) preparing GMAT when her husband-to-be asked to get married and it’s kinda funny knowing that she responded the proposal with a big ‘WHY’ question *LOL*.
“Why Now??? Why not another 2 years?? I’m still young – 28 years old – and, at the top of my career, also I want to pursue master degree in USA”, she argued.. . But the destiny has become definite and she admitted that right now, she’s in the happiest moment of lifetime J).

Back to the topic J – therefore, why would English intend to be eliminated from elementary school curriculum when there is still a person (refers to ‘ME’ *LOL*) – who’s being envious of other’s english proficiency?.
I mean – hey, English is very important so why do you want to scrap it off behind the reason of nationalism?.
Whyyyyyyyyyyy??? Whyyyyyyyyyyy???
Why Mr. President???
I’m the one standing against it! ()

Anybody wants to make a petition?
I will sign it first!

Can you imagine this situation – “Which parents who’d still enthusiastically enroll their children in public elementary school which has no English subject, while they have invested a lot of money for children to attend international class of playgroup just so children could speak English as early as possible?” (Dang!)

And thing I want to give a tension here, please do not ever put ‘nationalism’ as the reason behind decision!
I’m not being sarcastic or acting as if I don’t have any nationalism to my country.
I do Y my country!
And I need an international language as a tool to communicate and promote the beauty of Indonesia to the World *ehem!.
(if the World admits Indonesian as an international language, I will stop studying English then *LOL*)

So (in my opinion), rather than eliminating it, why don’t we start to speak English even earlier? (at least we can master the colloquial J) – indeed, it will be side by side with Indonesian as well as local language! (I never look down on kids’ brains as they grow up and develop rapidly at this golden era – thus, why wouldn’t we give them a chance?).

For me, it’s always fun studying English.
(oh okay, honestly I must strike the ‘always’ word from the line *LOL*).
As some of you may know, now I’m preparing GMAT and TOEFL which (of course) are delivered in English language.
Sometimes I get bored reading a hundred of words that sound very scientific and unfamiliar to my ears LL (I know how it might be a little bit bothersome to read 2 books at the same time – first is the ‘real’ book and second is dictionary – the only ‘translator’ we rely on *LOL*).

But thank God, there is ‘something’ that always pulls me back! J
The way I fell into English – I dare say – ain’t the same with the one I feel for Accounting.
~ Okay, (I know) I spent my last year of high school in social-science (not language) class, also I pursued my undergraduate degree in Accounting major, even I plan to enroll in business school for master degree (see? – always linear!).
Simply, I will put word “NEED” for Accounting and “WANT” for English.
Is that acceptable? J

Sounds crazy but lingual-things always enthrall me (з´`ε)

How I enjoy sitting for hours in front of computer – having these sort of activities: reading the sources, stringing every single word then analyzing them, making any correction, keep assuring myself that nothing is missing – even just for a single comma :P, then checking over and over again until I find the result is (quite) well-done!.
Yuuuh, so relaxing!! \(´`)/

Though I’m not a professional writer, it’s obviously that I (will and had) apply(-ied) ‘the procedure’ whenever I have a writing task (250’s-pages-of-minor-thesis masterpiece :P, emails, notes, questions, comments, blog – and friends!).
For me, that’s the art of writing!

Note: The first person who (apparently) noticed my interest in literature was my fifth-grade teacher, Bu Rosita. Our school – together with others local schools were invited to join the Elementary School Competition that time (to compete in some subject areas/fields of study, such as: Mathematics, Bahasa Indonesia, Natural Science, Social Science, and Art). Among the candidates (me and friends J), she directly chose me to represent school – competing in Bahasa Indonesia subject.
The result? I came in the forth place J (not bad!).
Indeed, she showed me the hidden path.. .

Speaking of career path, I always consider the A-Plan is something related to my educational background (Business and Economics) and the B-Plan is another thing (I think) I want to do based on my special interest.

Y A-Plan: To pursue master degree in top business school, to have 3-5 years experience in top consulting firms/companies (internship, professional worker), to be a lecturer (teaching and doing research at my own alma mater).

Y B-Plan (if no univ/school wants me to be part of them L): I always am thinking about being a freelance translator (for books, articles, movies) or/and an english teacher J. Of course, it won’t be easy as I don’t have any educational background in English literature – but I will try to fulfill the requirement. 

Yeah, the B-Plan is just my wishful thinking – still keep on fighting, wishing and waiting for the day I become a master student – seems to be overconfident
ー`)but amin Ya Allah! (unless if God says the B-Plan is better for me, I will accept it gratefully and execute it for sure J)

Hoooo, this post is extremely getting random *LOL*

Afterall, I will try to write any post in English (as best as I can).
I prefer to write in Bahasa only if I think the words I string in English will even spoil the essence of the story (the amusing or maybe the heavy one? :P).
Just forgive if I made any word-misspelling mispronounce misuse mistreat – whatsoever.
Well, I Y the beauty of English and will not ruin it on purpose J

I will not surrender – ever Y

P.S: I long to have a practice session of English (Writing, Reading, Listening, especially Speaking – still, all are welcome!). Need a friend/partner with the same purpose – anyone wants to join? J