Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Dwarves: The Unexpected Visitors Who Expect The Journey

Friday, December 14, 2012

Instead of commenting this and that, I would rather share such a stupid question of mine – “Why is it entitled ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’, while the journey obviously belongs to the dwarves?” JJ

Sorry, I’m not complaining or making fun of it and – yes, I know that the fourteenth fellow hired by Gandalf is Bilbo Baggins – a hobbit, the one who wrote down his unforgetable journey on the journal – but still why?.

I slightly thought that the hobbits and their peaceful life in Shire would be the story all about (again – I haven’t read the book yet! J) – which of course, that’s way too impossible as my sister once told me about a very dull-flat life of the hobbits – how they live their life in a simplest way and always take easy on everything.

So here I am – writing this post and somewhat laughing at myself for being naive and (litle bit) unprepared! *LOL*

In the end, that doesn’t matter J
As I always enjoy following the series (also talking about previous trilogy of TLOTR I’ve only just started and finished watching this summer! – here). Especially, when it comes to the part of Baggins and Gandalf. What will Baggins (Bilbo and/or Frodo) react?. What will Gandalf do this time?. What will be surprise about their brotherhood?. And so forth..

God, should I wait that long until the next and next-2-years to watch the sequels?.
It’s alright then – who knows I will watch both at another movie theater in another continent *LOL-LOL* JJ 

Random things (directly or indirectly related to the movie) I want to write here:

J  It’s been 4 times I was in chaos going to the cinema. I believe, today was the worst as I felt so stressed along the way and never stopped cursing on the ‘angkot’ driver (for being too sluggish!) and hell yes – the traffic jam perfectly made my day! (it’s time for Friday-prayer and – rather than going to the mosque, you Guys competed to flood the road instead?? KK). Noticing the clock hanging on the wall each time we passed the open-shop made me even become uneasy as they showed different times. I – then made myself busy by thinking all possible ways to soonly catch the cinema. So I decided to get down from the ‘angkot’ earlier as I saw it ran even slower whenever entering a dense populated area, and spent the rest meters by half fast-walking and half running. Alhamdulillah – thank God, I could still make it on time. 10 minutes to 2 pm – I hurriedly bought the ticket, directly went to the entrance, and successfully joined the first wave of the show (in my city!). Hohoo, how proud! JJ

J  Disaster!!! I abruptly needed to pee in the middle of the show but then decided to endure the urge as long as I could!. Nooooo, I didn’t want to miss every single scene!.

J  Again – I was the only person the row I sat had!.

J  Almost forgot that today is December 14 – which means the premiere!. Too much anticipating (often) makes me forget the moment, precisely when it comes LL

J  Never thought that Frodo only appeared in a very few scenes LL. The movie definitely belongs to his uncle this time. And *ehem, I kind of miss Sam, Aragorn, and Legolas JJ

J  Being quite surprised after reading the profile of ‘real’ Gandalf and Old Bilbo Baggins on Wikipedia. 73 and 81 years old! – almost as old as the characters.

J  Where the heck were the eagles coming from at the nearly end of the movie?. The flock trully reminded me of “How TLOTR Movie Should Have Ended”-gag I watched on YouTube JJ *LOL*. Now, I really think they should have come at the beginning to mess up the show! JJ

J  The funniest scene is when the trolls met the fellowship “Don’t eat me, I have the biggest bacteria!!” JJ *LOL*. The so-sweet scene is when the dwarves were prejudiced toward Bilbo, but rather than being angry – he defended by illustrating the meaning of ‘home-sweet-home’ to him. You’re the kindest burglar – the Middle-Earth has ever had, Bilbo Y

J  Beside snail, Orc is the most disgusting creature I have ever seen. In my mind, that is (probably) how the ‘real’ devil looks like.  

J  I yearn to possess all best qualities of a hobbit. I meet those people – who are blessed to have such a noble personality – which makes them surrounded by the others who feel secure. Well *ehem, I can be that way – I mean I try as everyone else does too, but to keep consistent – indeed is the hardest part.