Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It’s November Rain!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

If someone gives me a box of words then asks me to pick some which simply describe the perfect moment I want for my holiday, that will be: Sloping-Beach, Bright-Sun, Breezy-Wind (not ‘Wine’ :P), and Instrumental Song (Lough Erin Shore belongs to The Corrs!).

It’s a rule! J

Sounds strict but yeah – for me they are kind of perfect combination – whether I will spend it for beach-walking, catching up the wave, or just letting myself laying on the sand with a cool sunglasses upon my face.
Can you guess the rest? Yes yes yes!!! Observing the ‘potential-guy’ who passes by – the one who can handily draw my attention *LOL-LOL-LOL*.
(which part of the solar system do you live in, Kid? J)

Hohoo we live in the part of solar system – so called ‘Earth’ which (also) has its own way to rule.
The way when the night turns to day and the dry turns to rain..

And here comes the rain.. J
The late rain – should I say – as it came 2 months late than it was supposed to.

The same rain which (always) gives me an ambivalence – you know – the opposite feelings we feel at the same time.

I Y the smell of the ground, the grass, and the air after the first pouring rain – kind of fresh, addictive, yet relieving..
I Y the rhythm of the falling rain – sounds so up, vivid, but sometimes turns to low in sudden.. . However, it always brings peace to my soul..
I Y the spectacular show of the dancing rain – how it falls, disperses, and fills up every single line it’s through..  
I Y the color of rain blending with sky – pale-flawless-white, can be dark, but often grey..
Also, I Y the message it tries to deliver – how to surrender yet readily fight for tomorrow as anonymous said “There will be sunshine after rain ~ There will be laughter after pain”..
They are all good somehow and make me feel utterly overwhelmed just by watching and listening them..
(Great! I’ve never been so poetic and positive as I am now *LOL*)

Anyway, thank God it’s raining! JJ

P.S:    3 things (I said) I hate about the rain:
         L WET – means it will take at least 3 days to dry out the clothes (almost a week for thick jeans :P), will take a whole day to make sure there is no seep puddle in every inch of the floor (sweeping and swabbing things :P), and will take some extra times to prepare an umbrella, a rain coat, and a (pile of) good mood before leaving the house. 
L HOLIDAY – who will still enthusiastically spend a holiday on a damp-gloomy day? (even if it’s planned to be a sort of outdoor water activities such as diving, swimming, or friends!).
L SNAIL – I don’t know (okay honestly, don’t want to know) where they hide throughout dry season, perhaps they just terribly regenerate, recharge, reproduce, whatsoever – but they do put on quite a show during rain!!!!!.