Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The End Of The Era

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Intro: Honestly, I didn’t intend to spend this afternoon watching movie at the cinema for quite a reason (being a poor, being a monk, and so forth and so forth L) but I had promised my little best friend since long time ago and didn’t want to break it. However, it was paid off as we really enjoyed the movie – eventhough we did it in a miserable way *LOL*

So, this is it..
The era of vampire has finally ended.. ;)

Way back in 2008 – the first movie of Twilight Saga was released and people started to give their attentions and criticisms (they split into ‘fans’ and ‘detractors’ – as usual).
The ‘fang’ family (the actors/actresses and crew – without many formation changing) kept on working hard and continually releasing the series – each year until 2012 – the end of the vampire modern era J

It has been a while since the last time I read the book series.
Still was being a college student, I guess! What year was that??
No wonder, I kind of forgot the detail story *LOL* – but I’m pretty much sure I never read the part of Carlisle and Jasper’s heads being ripped off L (I mean for real! – not merely in Alice’s vision!).
Note: Other audience (mostly female *LOL*) seemed to be surprised too as they unexpectedly yelled out “Huuuuuu” word but giving a round of applause – showed the feeling of amusement J – hehee me either! Y

I saw the crew’s effort to create a lasting impression by making more comical scene (from what I noticed, it might be more than 5 scenes along the movie as the audience died laughing on it!).

From the scene of Bella turning into vampire (how she couldn’t control her own new-strength) or when she shockingly found the fact of Jacob being imprint on her daughter – Renesmee, the scene of Charlie being shocked by Jacob’s werewolf appearance until the scene of Jacob teasing Edward by saying “Should I call you Dad?” *LOL-LOL-LOL*

Well, I think I have to read the book for second time! (my lovely sister gave me the original English version of Breaking Dawn as a birthday gift last year and I haven’t finished reading it yet! (I firstly read the one in Indonesian translation so no more curiosity J)

The most favorite character still is Jacob the werewolf YY hohoo J
But I give an extra credit to Bella as in this finale she became more characterful – at least she’s more than just ‘a girl’ the boys were fighting for – how pointless!!
(Oh I forgot that she was born to be a new vampire and had to deal with The Volturi – that’s why her existence is more than just something now *LOL*!).

I will not give the spoiler even further – just want to mark the day when the ‘bloodless family’ finally lived happily ever after *yeaaaaaaaaay!!!
Can hardly wait for another series “The Hobbit Trilogy” – the first movie "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" will premiere on December 14, 2012 (Yo-yo-yoo! You go girl – let’s go study and see you Guys at the cinema in next December! Y).

P.S: Here is one of the OST. Breaking Dawn “A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. They put this song at the end credits of the movie and also bring back the entire casts of all Twilight Saga movies for audience to reminisce *so brilliant!*