Friday, November 16, 2012

Laughing Out Loud!

Pronunciation: /lɒl, ɛləʊˈɛl/
Definition of LOL
laughing out loud; laugh out loud (used chiefly in electronic communication to draw attention to a joke or amusing statement, or to express amusement):
I love how you said ‘coffee is not my cup of tea’. LOL!
(Oxford Dictionaries)

An abbreviation for laughing out loud,[1][2] or laugh out loud,[3] is a common element of Internet slang. It was used historically on Usenet but is now widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication, and even face-to-face communication. It is one of many initialisms for expressing bodily reactions, in particular laughter, as text, including initialisms for more emphatic expressions of laughter such as LMAO[4] ("laugh(ing) my ass off"), and ROTFL[5][6][7][8] or ROFL[9] ("roll(ing) on the floor laughing"). Other unrelated expansions include the now mostly historical "lots of luck" or "lots of love" used in letter-writing.[10]

If each night has its theme, I certainly would pick `LOL` as the best theme for 2 nights ago (14/10)! J

I don’t know what has gotten into me that night as I suddenly approached the brink of the cliffs and it left me no option than to jump to the cliffs itself! *LOL*

What the hell is going on....???

I won’t speak here too much since I still am on the way and have no idea where is the way gonna lead me to *LOL* but I’ll give you a hintー`)hehe it’s not the first time as I had one once in college!
(Soooooo easy to guess!)

Any warning?

Hey, I think I am well equipped this time and I won’t take it too seriuos!
Never! J
Promise! J

Okay, just because I don’t share it here doesn’t mean that I will keep silent forever *LOL* (it’s not my nature digging a hole to bury something fishy inside XD XD – it’s not that fishy, I swear!)

Let me see someone...

Exactly! J

It is she...
And only she...

4-years-different-twin as we're born in the same manufacturing – as limited as ever – but due to the company strategy, she’s got to be released first! *LOL*

Yes, I want to know what will she respond about this `stuff`.. J

Frankly, I kind of figure what is her response!   
Or maybe, I don’t care as she supports me always..
Maaan, it’s not support by the way!!
What is the right term to replace `I am Her, She is Me`?

Well, it reminds me the day when the first time we slipped out the word that fortunately brought us to the conclusion how lucky we were to find each other..
(For sure! That suprised me a lot yet I was so thankful! :D)
Then we convinced ourselves that it was waaaaaay too okay even brought up all reasons behind our preference (I think this is the childish part as I love it though! *LOL*)
Until the time we had a train back to Roma from Pisa ~ how we wished, supported and warned each other not to admit defeat until we’re running out of bloods *LOL*

I trully believe that there’s no coincidence – thing’s created with its purpose!
It is based on Allah master plan..
Amin Ya Rabb ~ please grant our wishes JJ

P.S: I think I’m getting drunk in the middle of writing *LOL* but I do have fun just as I had that night *LOL-LOL-LOL-LOL-LOL*

So tonight, I'm gonna find a way to make it without you