Friday, December 28, 2012

Crazy In Love With Richard Parker!

Thursday, December 6, 2012 ç it’s finally posted! :P

All my life, one of the decision chains I will never – ever forget and regret -is- going to the cinema (alone), buying the ticket only a few minutes before the entrance is closed (again – alone), finding the best seat over the best row – the one I can (do 3C) – colonize and feel comfy plus close enough to the screen, just so I can trick myself into thinking that I’m watching the real 3D-version! (still – all alone) and.... being a part of the small parts of civilization who yearn for such a breathtaking movie (of course – still alone! J).
Huh, I hate the fact that people – teenies, I mean :P – are (still) patiently standing in a long queue for the sake of Breaking Dawn Part 2 – waiting for a miracle to come, I guess!. Okay, I’m not being hypocrite. I watched the movie also, but once is enough!. You Guys made my Richard Parker out of theaters earlier LL

Sorry but this time is for Y LIFE OF PI Y

I know I know – I am more than too-too late!!
Forgive me Richard Parker! (-
̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) *feeling guilty*

The book was first time released in 2001 – whaaaaaattttttt???!!
It was on the best-selling book lists and fortunate people who had met Richard Parker – might have been waiting for more than a decade to let their unrequited longing go! (sometimes I feel so thankful not to die in boredom waiting! JJ)

In consequence, I redeemed my ‘sin’ by watching the movie again!!
Yes!!! Today I made it for second time hohoho!! (the way of Karma, I suppose! :P)
I’m sure there would be third and forth time if they had the 3D-version here – in my lovely city (з´`ε)

Sounds exaggerating? Yes – but in fact, the movie seems to give me the hard feeling of letting go (a feeling like – don’t want to finish the journey soon) and demands me to have the second meet after the first, the third after the second, and............ there I was today – at another movie theater – dedicated myself to snap the best pose of Richard Parker!!
Frankly speaking, I was almost at the final decision to watch LOP for third time – yet I didn’t want to end up myself having kinda feeling of getting bored for the movie eventhough I believe I wouldn’t – nooooooooo, never for my Richard Parker! JJ

So, what is so special about it (until) I have to use the ‘sacred’ words – forget and regret, also to act like a suburban having her first time experience watching movie at the cinema? *LOL*

I have mentioned the first reason above, haven’t I? J

The story is certainly what Andrea Hirata (my favorite Indonesian author) wrote on the back cover of one of his books “Edensor”:
— ... ... I wished to rove, finding my direction through reading the stars of constellations. I wanted to cross fields and deserts, to be burned by the sun until I blistered, to be shook by assaulting wind, and shrink from being gripped by cold. I wanted a life that was thrilling, filled with conquest. I wanted to live! To feel the essence of being!
Oh, I so much believe – only certain people God had chosen to make this sort of ‘once in a lifetime experience’ happen – which will lead them to get the wisdom of life!.

It is indeed astounding story as the Japanese company concluded on the report, “Mr. Patel's is an astounding story, courage and endurance unparalleled in the history of ship-wrecks. Very few castaways can claim to have survived so long, and none in the company of an adult Bengal tiger.”

As if I watched another version of Cast Away movie – the bad weather causing a plane crash, the Pacific Ocean, being marooned, the desert island, a ‘lovely’ volleyball named Wilson as the only companion, a life survival, about never to lose hope, finding a way back home and.... the unceremonious farewell. Everything is the same but the part that Pi spent most of his journey in the mighty ocean of Pacific and had to share the small boat with an adult tiger, deeply enchants me! (з´`ε)
(Dear Mr. Lee and Team, would you please take The Alchemist and Edensor into your consideration for the next project? JJ)

All is just incredibly awesome and makes me in turmoil of emotions!

16 years old boy – Piscine Molitor Patel – along with people, things and circumstances within his life circle!
— Appa, Amma, Ravi, Mamaji, Anandi, Pondicherry, the zoo, the botanical garden, all animals but the hyena (Orange Juice – hiks LL), Munnar, Tsimtsum, the mighty Pacific Ocean, the carnivore island, the mangroves, the meerkats, the lifeboat with its half-opened tarpauline, the raft, the paddle, the journal, the pencil, the jellyfishes, the sharks, the whales, the flying fishes, the giant fish, the bioluminescent water, the sun, the moon, the stars, the clouds, the wind, the rain, the storm, the thunder, the meets and goodbyes, the courage and hope, the smile, the tear, and all of emotions – love, care, hate, anger, fear, desperateness, what else.... Oh, I may forget mentioning others but never for the cutest adult Bengal tiger ever!!

Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y
Y Richard Parker Y

First time I saw you (the cage scene), like I had thought to other animals – I thought you’re just a ‘cameo’ which would appear merely in single-scene or maybe two at most!. As I never heard anything about you, indeed it turned out to be totally wrong – you’re more than just animal JJ hehehe I’m sorry, Cutie!. Second meet – the time when Pi and Anandi were dating in the zoo, you were proudly showing-off your perfect figure. “Kyaaaaa, here he is – The King of Jungle!!!”, I said to myself JJ. I have 7 of your ‘descendants’ here at my house of which one – named Bona – really looks like you, so there was no way I could abandon you, Richard Parker!.

How I enjoyed every moment you growled, moaned, roared, showed-off, stayed low with your two-ears flatted to the sides (so cuteeeee!! (з´`ε) ), swam closer to the boat at the night when the Tsimtsum sunk (Pi’s expression – *LOL*) and again – on a bright sunny day you caught the fish, then turned your body towards Pi *LOL-LOL*. The scene when you swam around looking for a pedestal then got failed as you found nothing there to get back to the boat and could only hang on to the rope – oh, I really wanted to save by hugging and telling you that everything’s gonna be alright! JJ

Also I love when you fought the hyena, hide beneath and came up under the tarpauline, ate greedily and (often) had to wait for the fresh-fish Pi would throw at you. Then the moment you enjoyed playing in the island with meerkats as though you had found your new kingdom and went back to the boat at twilight, quickly ran over the hill after your buddy called out your name – wanted to sail back together and finish the journey, or when Pi asked you not to hide and just defy the storm (that’s so funny though the rest irritated me!).

Ew!! Illegal Shoot Came Good :P

Among those moments – to me, the best one is when you were sitting on the bridge – staring at the starry night sky which then made Pi wondered and asked what were you looking at and what were you thinking of. The reflection.. the vision... . You Guys had the same fate, story, moment, and feeling to share each other!. How I wish I was Pi – sailing the ocean all 227-days long with you! LL *envious-envious-envious*

Another Lousy Pic :P

What are you looking at?
What are you thinking of, Richard Parker? *hug*

Y Richard Parker Y

You’re way too cute – the best creature ever – oh, I can’t stop adoring you!! (з´`ε)

*LOL* absurd but it’s true – at the end of the show, I caught myself had been crazy in love with Richard Parker. I dare using the L-word (not merely been smitten, nor been infatuated). I beg your pardon, Piscine!. I know you are the central figure I should fall in love with. I give you all my thumbs, but I give my soleYheart to Richard Parker (blame him for stealing it! JJ)

Only thing I hate, why did you leave Pi that way????? LL
There should be at least – one last glance, one last growl. Hiks, I don’t want that farewell scene as the last remembrance of you I have to bear for the rest of my life.
But that moment – at the edge of the jungle, you did-recollect all memories you had with Pi, didn’t you Richard Parker? LL

‘Till we meet again – I love you Richard Parker! YY

P.S:    “GOD GIVES WHAT YOU WANT AND NOT WHAT YOU NEED”. Pi wanted his family but God gave him Richard Parker as a companion to find his way back home. Could we find any better word to describe their solid bond rather than these?.
I never thought a small piece of shade could bring me so much happiness, that a pile of tools - a bucket, a knife, a pencil - might become my greatest treasures. Or that Richard Parker was here might ever bring me peace. In times like these, I remember that he has as little experience of the real world as I do. We were both raised in a zoo by the same master
Now we've been orphaned, left to face our ultimate master together. Without Richard Parker I would have died by now. My fear of him keeps me alert. Tending to his needs gives my life purpose
Life of Pi (The Movie), 2012

I wept like a child. It was not because I was overcome at having survived my ordeal, though I was. Nor was it the presence of my brothers and sisters, though that too was very moving. I was weeping because Richard Parker had left me so unceremoniously.
... ... ...
It’s important in life to conclude things properly. Only then can you let go. Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but never did, and your heart is heavy with remorse. That bungled goodbye hurts me to this day. I wish so much that I’d had one last look at him in the lifeboat, that I’d provoked him a little, so that I was on his mind. I wish I had said to him then–yes, I know, to a tiger, but still–I wish I had said, “Richard Parker, it’s over. We have survived. Can you believe it? I owe you more gratitude than I can express. I couldn’t have done it without you. I would like to say it formally: Richard Parker, thank you. Thank you for saving my life. And now go where you must. You have known the confined freedom of a zoo most of your life; now you will know the free confinement of a jungle. I wish you all the best with it. Watch out for Man. He is not your friend. But I hope you will remember me as a friend. I will never forget you, that is certain. You will always be with me, in my heart. What is that hiss? Ah, our boat has touched sand. So farewell, Richard Parker, farewell. God be with you.”
Life of Pi (Yann Martel), 2001


  1. I am crazy in love with Richard Parker too, saw the film 3 times at cinema and even more times at home. I love animals and I adore Richard Parker!

  2. Are you?? :D :D
    Me too here.. :)
    Want to meet Richard Parker in person!!

    By the way, thanks for coming! :)
